Albur is the short name for Alburquerque, which is a 5th class municipality in the province of Bohol. It is the home of the longest and the heaviest python in captivity.
According to Jing Jing Salibay, which is one of the caretakers of Prony, the python was already trained and tamed. She also use pet shampoo when bathing Prony since the python was registered so that they could legally take care of her as a pet and a means of attraction in Albur. They have an entrance fee of Php 5.00 each and you could donate something for Prony. The python is fed once a month with one whole live pig and sometimes with goat. Prony wouldn't eat dead meat at all because she was used to eat live animals in the wild. Researchers also found out that Prony is more developed than any other in her species. She could change her skin every month unlike the others which would take 3 months. Jing Jing also helps Prony to shed of its skin. She could also kiss Jing Jing and talk to her like her own child.
They also have other animals besides from Prony.
All I can say is that, it was the biggest snake I have ever seen in my entire life as of now. Its body is as big as the trunk of a coconut tree. See it for yourself. You could also see her really breathing. You could also have your picture taken with Prony inside her cage.
Before entering the rough road going to Prony there is also a fee for the barangay for Php 20 per vehicle. c",)
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